
your security posture

Complete the form, and you will have access to:

  • A report on your security posture with recommendations
  • Advice sheets for each major area

This assessment exercise aims to provide you with a high-level status of your organization’s cyber security.

We propose that you answer a questionnaire with 29 questions covering 10 main areas. The questions will provide you with an indicator of the maturity of your practice in preventing cyber attacks and security incidents.

Although not exhaustive, the questions invite you to reflect. The accuracy of your answers will help you get closer to the reality of your cybersecurity posture and the areas that need further work.

Terms of use

I have a code

Your access code allows you to:

  • Complete a questionnaire in progress
  • Start a new assessment
  • Access your previous reports

You do not have a code

Complete an initial form to obtain an access code that you can use again.